Knock, Knock! Who WAS There? Posted: 31 Jul 2013 04:24 PM PDT |
Jennifer Aniston Brings Today’s Quote Posted: 31 Jul 2013 08:19 AM PDT  On filming in a bra and panties for her new movie We're the Millers, where she plays a stripper: "I did eat that day. I was on a very like, you know, greens and vegetables and lean proteins and kale. When I really wanted to have a cheat day I had to have a kale chip.” … says Jennifer. See candids of her next! (...) Read the rest of Jennifer Aniston Brings Today’s Quote (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2013. | Permalink | 21 comments | Add to Post tags:  |
Kristen Bell: “I am not a woman whose self-worth comes from her dress size” Posted: 31 Jul 2013 08:07 AM PDT  On losing the baby weight: "I'd like to get back down to where I was before the baby. But if this is where my body wants to be, so be it. I'm not going to make myself miserable for the rest of my life trying to get back to where I was before. "I refused to worry about something I could not change, and I still refuse. Look, I'm like any other woman. All this evolved b.s. that I'm telling you is my mantra: It's not something I practice naturally. "I had to surrender to not worrying about the way I looked, how much I weighed, because that's just part of the journey of having a baby. I am not a woman whose self-worth comes from her dress size." … says Kristen, who gave birth back in March, in Redbook Magazine. See more next! (...) Read the rest of Kristen Bell: “I am not a woman whose self-worth comes from her dress size” (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2013. | Permalink | 10 comments | Add to Post tags: magazine, new mom, weight  |
Shailene Woodley Follows the ‘Indigenous People Diet’ Posted: 30 Jul 2013 05:29 PM PDT  We first featured actress Shailene Woodley here a few weeks back (see our first post) – today, Shailene is back to talk about her diet and the ideology behind her choices: I was an environmentalist in high school—or, I guess, a self-proclaimed environmentalist—and I started reading about the food system in America and how it's owned by all of these corporations. I was on a quest to find out what healthy really meant because people were saying that veganism was healthy or that the Paleo diet was healthy, but I really had no idea. So I started researching indigenous people and what their lifestyles were like because I was fascinated by the fact that they could still run in their eighties and still had amazing muscular and nervous systems, whereas in America now, by the time we get to our thirties, it's really hard for us to lose weight and maintain a healthy body and composition. So I just started adapting my lifestyle to that of indigenous people, and what I realized is that we're all indigenous creatures on this planet. The whole concept of re-wilding came about through some really good friends of mine, and it's basically about adapting to your current situation. If you're in the city, then you can't go back to hunter-and-gatherer times, so you have to adapt to the lifestyle that's out there. Herbalism is part of that, and knowing how to heal our bodies naturally and knowing about organic farming. It's so important and essential to the Earth, to Gaia. We want to continue to live on this planet, and I think we need to break down the associations that we have that we're different from nature—that we need to protect the Earth and save the Earth—when we are, in fact, part of the Earth. So it all starts with us. If we want to save the planet, then I think we need to start saving ourselves in order to do that. I believe that organic farming, among many other practices, can really start that shift. … says 21 year-old Shailene. Share your thoughts! (...) Read the rest of Shailene Woodley Follows the ‘Indigenous People Diet’ (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2013. | Permalink | 68 comments | Add to Post tags: diet, Shailene Woodley  |
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