Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Geeks of Doom Invade Your Inbox

Geeks of Doom Invade Your Inbox

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Comic Review: The Threat #2

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 01:00 PM PST

The Threat #2

The Threat #2
Story by Mark Schmidt and Vince Chuter
Written by Mark Schmidt
Art by Daniel Wichinson
Letters by Mark Schmidt
Cover by William Allan Reyes
Stratum Comics
Release Date: October 2012
Price $3.99

Stratum Comics' The Threat is currently the only title being released by the company. It's a small publisher of passionate comic fans in Texas looking to make a dent in the independent cape and cowl comics scene. Waerloga69 reviewed the first issue recently (you can read that here.) Like that review mentioned, The Threat is about a future Earth where governments have fallen apart and been replaced by other entities. In Houston, where this story takes place, the people are governed by a corporation called AniTec.

Due to some experiments gone wrong (oh, comic books) we now have a portion of the population that has been mutated. These mutants are referred to as Virals. Now, there seems to be the implication that some of these Virals will eventually team up and battle the evil corporation. We aren't quite sure when that will occur, but we are given some insight into each of the eventual team member's lives. [...]

Netflix Review: Batman Year One

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 10:00 AM PST

Geeks of Doom Netflix Streaming Review

Netflix Review: Batman Year One

Batman Year One
Netflix Streaming
DVD | Blu-ray
Directed by Sam Liu and Lauren Montgomery
Starring Bryan Cranston, Benjamin McKenzie, Eliza Dushku, Katee Sackhoff, Alex Rocco
Warner Home Video
Originally Released: October 18, 2011

Speaking nostalgically, the Batman Year One comic series by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli instigates many happy memories for me. I, along with many other geeks, hold the earlier Miller Batman work in high esteem, and the Year One arc released back in 1987 is often regarded with much reverence. It, accompanied by titles like The Killing Joke and others, is often pointed to as being must-read material for new Batman readers.

Thus, when it was announced that Warner Brothers Animation and DC were going forward with an animated adaptation of the classic and timeless Batman Year One, it was a bittersweet moment. Would they stand true to the original material? Or make sweeping adaptations for the release? [...]

The ‘Scary Movie 5′ Trailer Might Just Make Your Wish The World Had Ended

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 07:00 AM PST

Scary Movie 5

Each and every one us has seen many sights that take up permanent residence in our minds, memories so horrible and traumatic we would do anything short of self-lobotomy to remove them forever. Walking in on your parents having sex, having to take your beloved ailing family pet to the veterinarian to have them put to sleep, getting bullied by your classmates in elementary school, the list goes on (and that is just my list).

Today I think we all have a new horrible memory to add to that list as the trailer for Scary Movie 5 has been released. You can watch the trailer here below, but if you decide not to no one here will think less of you. [...]

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